Stoic coffee break review
Stoic coffee break review

stoic coffee break review

There are times where the series feels very inconsistent yet surprisingly it works in favour of the group’s unpredictable and unconventional style of comedy. It’s bloody weird but hilarious at the same time. And the show knows this and runs with it. For example, the first episode begins with the guys breaking out into song about Everything Being a Drum (which could rival Eurovison’s Song Contest’s Ya Ya Ding Dong as the most ear-worm-catchy tune of then year) that feels like a cross between Pee-Wee’s Adventure and Flight of the Concords before transitioning into the lads looking for a new roommate a plot point which is never resolved. But where Big Ol’ House of Fun plays to its strengths is that it gleefully abandons any notion of a linear plot structure to great comedic effect.

stoic coffee break review

The advantage of making a short skit on YouTube is that the jokes are simple and straight to the point. Now there is the pre-conceived notion that turning a number short-length sketches into the from of a six-episode series could be stretching the comedic content too far. The lads from down under specialise in a rather absurdist and subversive approach to their comedy that’s in the same spirit of Monty Python, Limmy Show or The Eric Andre Show And now they’ve landed one of their biggest opportunities to date with a six-episode series on Netflix or their Big Ol’ House of Fun. They have been making a name for themselves throughout the years with a number of short comedy skits on YouTube and with a number of sold-out live performances from the Melbourne International Comedy Festival to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

  • If you can learn to be happy in the lowest of circumstances, then you can be happy anywhere.Aunty Donna are an Australian sketch-comedy trio consisting of members Mark Bonanno, Broden Kelly and Zachary Ruane.
  • And all these external things that come our way are things that are outside of our control.
  • Making our happiness dependent upon things that we can’t control is surefire way to be unhappy.
  • Wishing the world to change for us in order for us to be happy just isn’t going to happen.
  • We can decide at any time to take control over the things that we can control, and be happy.
  • And what Seneca means by this is that we are in control of our happiness.
  • stoic coffee break review

    Most of these things are things that you have very little control over. But the thing is, all of these things are outside of yourself.There are so many things that we could point our finger at and say that needs to change, then I’d be happy.Maybe we think that if we had a better house, a better car, a better partner, better kids, then we’d be happy.Maybe we hate the town we’re living in and if only we could live somewhere else, we’d be happy.Maybe we’re in a relationship where we feel like if the other person would just change the things that we want them to, we’d finally be happy.Maybe we work at a place where we feel like if our coworkers or our boss would just get their shit together then we’d be happy with our jobs.How often do we think that we can run from our troubles?.How often do we wish the world would change for us?.“If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you’re needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person.”

    Stoic coffee break review