It reminds me of when Jesus spoke to a violent storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Speak lord im listening full#
Listening involves quieting our minds and giving our full attention to what God wants to tell us. We’re not truly listening if we break into a conversation with our own words or busy formulating how we are going to reply. If we want to be listening to God, we need to give Him our full, thoughtful attention. Synonyms for “listen” are to tune-in, concentrate, and be all ears. True listening is to pay attention to and to hear with thoughtful attention. That was a lot of talking, demands, arguments and needs that all wanted to be heard at the same time. I perfected it through years of parenting and multitasking with 4 children. I have a bad habit of listening with “one ear”. It seems these days that we all want to talk and be heard, but we aren’t the best of listeners. Wouldn’t it be amazing to hear the voice of God clearly? He speaks to us, but like Samuel, we have to be attentive listeners and know His voice.

His written word and the guidance and conviction of the Holy Spirit are how we hear Him today. Once the Bible was in written form and dispersed, it became God’s way of communicating with us. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26 NKJV. Jesus told his disciples that the gift of the Holy Spirit would come when He was no longer on earth. Jesus spoke throughout the New Testament to teach and announce the plan of our redemption through His sacrifice. “The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘ Speak for your servant is listening’.’” 1 Samuel 3:10 NIV. Samuel thought he was hearing the voice of the priest Eli in the night, but it was God calling to him. God spoke audibly to the prophets (and in dreams and visions) with the purpose of recording His words and plans. God said about Moses, “With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles.” Numbers 12:8 NIV. The Audible Voice of GodĪaron and Miriam heard the Lord speaking when He came down in a pillar of cloud to chastise them for criticizing Moses. God had an entire conversation with them regarding their sin in Genesis 3. God walked with Adam and Eve, giving them verbal instructions to be fruitful… rule over every living creature… what they were to eat… ( Genesis 1:28-30) Wouldn’t it be awesome to hear the word of God audibly? God spoke aloud many times in the Old Testament, starting in Genesis. And when listening, what if I spent my time specifically listening to the voice of God in place of the outpouring of opinions, thoughts and bold statements flying around? He seems to be telling us that listening can sometimes be a better choice than speaking. I read a quote recently that got my attention – “God gave us mouths that close and ears that don’t… that should tell us something”- (Eugene O’Neil).